Not Going to McDonalds; How Simple Choices Make a Big Difference

My Husband had taken the boys to his Sister's house for the night, so when I woke up in the morning my only decision was, what to have for breakfast.  We have a McDonalds about a mile away from our house.  We live in an interesting area because on the other side of our neighborhood, just down the street from us is a gourmet bakery, but this was Sunday, and they are reasonably not open. So my first thought was to get a cheap egg McMuffin, boom breakfast would be done, and no dirty dishes.  But after reading, "The Story of Stuff", I have become aware of our disposable nation.  Everything is made to be trashed.  So instead of getting in my car to drive to McDonalds, I picked up the dog leash and went for the most enjoyable walk with my pooch. While I was walking I realized if I just fry up an egg and toast some bread, I could have my own, much healthier, egg mcmuffin.  While I was making this delicious sandwich, a sense of peace and calm came over me.  I saved gas, not driving, I saved money not buying the sandwich, and I saved a little bit of the environment by not trashing all the paper products the crappy sandwich and drink comes in.

It made me think wow!  Simple decision make a huge difference.  Every day just being aware of your simple actions, so our environment can look like the photo above and not the photo below.


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